Modern Days.
In visions, a raven perceive troops
in the millions of men and women
marching towards destruction,
destroying imagination, sinking
in the depth of sameness repetitions
of skin, faces, bodily parts and products.
But their mind remains the same-unchanged,
he is change!
Fashion and science together with
her daughters are the new religion,
but their oppressions are different
than in the past. Women in green coats
and black boots, marching down
the streets to buy more green coats
and black boots 👢.
Men being feminize to think and act
more like the opposite sex,
unaware of this they live their life
in total lack of light, change for logic,
rational man and woman, walking,
looking down as if they looking for
something... but they still don’t know
what, or who it is.
Look up!
Let’s climb the mountains of uncertainty
and get lost in the now,
Where only, you and I exist.
I will sing old poems in Latin,
while your head is on my lap,
under a roof of starts and even if neither of us
Understand we still enjoyed the experience.
Harold Rivas.