where you will find me ?
Where will you find me?Amongst those who have lost all or none,or amongst those who have lost there father there mom there brother there mom there son.
you’ll find me in the evergreens or amongst the trees or amongst the breeze or alongside a dirt dredged road you may find me in the country side road.you might find me amongst the leafs and amongst the stars you won’t find me in night clubs or your local bars.you’ll find amongst mother nature you’ll find me in the sea where my heart will always want to be.you may find flying high in the sky but don’t be scared I’m not afraid to die.you’ll find at the gym the mall or at a concert hall but you’d never know that I am him and he is me .I know this riddle may be hard to solve but put all together it’ll solve the answer to this mystery.
Where will you find me? Anywhere that you need me to be.