Ruby - Astari Boedikoentjara
Stay awake
Tons of work that always wait
No time to waste
Not many choices anyway
Ask me not
It’s not that you still mean to me
This is for a precaution only
to all the ladies
whom you haven’t fooled to please
you and only you
in the name of your ‘needs’
The dawn isn’t close enough,
yet I am jolted awake
from a dream that felt
like a time machine,
throwing me back to the past, so mean.
What did that elephant ever do to you?
You’re no human,
such a horrible monster(s),
feeding her with a pineapple,
filled with active firecrackers.
Questions with questions
That’s how you answer
Not much you mention,
‘though you’re such talkers
How to expect you to understand,
When you're gone
I wish for another day with you
Impossible but it's true
No one is ever ready for such news
You say it's just a talk,
like normal people making a conversation
It's part of being social,
despite the annual scrutiny and judgment
"Hello, there
I think I’ve run out of sedatives
just to numb the pain within.
I know, they can be addictive,
but I can’t deal with my feelings.
These days, they can be overwhelming.
Will I see you
sometime in the near future?
You sound sure
You keep convincing me
your intention is true
“How do I catch monsters?”
I’m probably one of the many girls
who asks such a question.
They’re welcomed to wonder:
“Why do you wish to catch any monsters?
No more sweet smiles
full of toxic and vile
the beauty of your face
a sense of my disgrace
Your once soft, soothing voice
Every day is basically the same.
We’ve become hamsters in our own spinning wheels.
It’s the familiar, boring game.
We’re going round and round on our heels.
The world’s become a scarier place.