Ruby - Astari Boedikoentjara
No, my smile isn’t for you.
You only deserve a smirk,
knowing it’s me you always irk.
You’re that ignorant, aren’t you?
You think I’m being mean
You can never stop time
but there’s an illusion of a pause
Turn off the phone
Close all the windows
Lock all your doors
Lie down
From promises made
to smiles faked
I know what’s broken
from your excuses spoken
I know I’m mostly silent
but I ain’t being golden
A strange dream about you
We were on an open field,
when I heard you say:
“Here’s where I buried
some older parts of me.”
all will be discovered
He’ll be caught
persecuted, like he’s always deserved
Oh, yes
I mind my own business
I do hang out with the boys
It's all my personal choice
but I'm no prissy princess
There’s only one way
to restore your peace of mind completely
Yes, you’ve already let him go
He’s never going to run the same sick show
Start making him
The generation gap:
“They’re just little kids,
so young and still stupid.
What have I learned from 2024?
Honesty's still the best policy
although it makes you bleed
and may cut or sever ties
often permanently.
Welcome to reality
Again, this is how you're supposed to be
No more stupid sentimentality
It only makes you one weakling, cry-baby
They say speaking up is important
Want to know what safety is?
It’s not how I should be
locked indoors like some jewelry piece
I’m not and that’s a boring analogy
I’m human
I am sick to death of you
turning her all black and blue
taking over her already tortured soul
making her feel less than whole
I’ve had it with you