Ruby - Astari Boedikoentjara
Perhaps you’re one of the little kids
dreaming of becoming superheroes
saving the world
wherever they go
Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
They all say the same cliché:
“It’s better to have loved than none at all.”
Our story had been short and not worth it,
yet I’ve been cursed with this ability;
this giant elephant memory.
Nobody wins.
Everybody loses.
Stories told,
bought and sold.
Facts versus fiction.
I heard your voice outside
the window that night
You were talking to her
The Ex-Guardian of The Isolated Castle
I heard my name mentioned...
“I heard rage in your sleep,”
The Mighty Queen said.
“My child, what has gone so deep,
stealing the peacefulness in your dreams?”
“I forgot,”
Go ahead
Just pretend you’ve never done anything bad
My suffering is what you claim
as me, playing the victim
The longer this calamity lasts,
The power abuse:
“People should be in order.”
Oh, yeah – have you been their best example(s)?
It’s your stupid, double standard
that makes it really, really hard
Information jumbled-up
requiring double, triple-checks
even as all floods
right into your brain and heart
The clock is ticking
There's no amnesty granted
unless well-paid
Reach deeply into your pockets
until perhaps,
their eyeballs jump out of their sockets
“Oh, I am so ordinary.”
Is that what you see, right there in the mirror?
Can’t you be something more?
You think you know you.
That’s not what you do.
She longs for peace
like the soft wind’s breeze
to help her sleep
cast off the creeps
She longs for dreams
This is why Time Machine is only fiction
You can only look back
to search for what you’ve lacked:
Words you should’ve said…