Sonnet II


Written at the close of Spring.

THE garlands fade that Spring so lately wove,

   Each simple flower, which she had nursed in dew,

Anemonies, that spangled every grove,

   The primrose wan, and hare-bell mildly blue.

No more shall violets linger in the dell,

   Or purple orchis variegate the plain,

Till Spring again shall call forth every bell,

   And dress with humid hands her wreaths again.—

Ah! poor humanity! so frail, so fair,

   Are the fond visions of thy early day,

Till tyrant passion and corrosive care

   Bid all thy fairy colours fade away!

Another May new buds and flowers shall bring;

Ah! why has happiness—no second spring?



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Occasional Address

Written for the benefit of a distressed Player, detained

at Brighthelmstone for Debt, November 1792.

WHEN in a thousand swarms, the summer o'er,

The birds of passage quit our English shore,

By various routs the feather'd myriad moves;

The Becca-Fica seeks Italian groves,

No more a Wheat-ear ; while the soaring files

Of sea-fowl gather round the Hebrid isles.

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Sonnet LXVI: The Night-Flood Rakes

The night-flood rakes upon the stony shore;

             Along the rugged cliffs and chalky caves

          Mourns the hoarse Ocean, seeming to deplore

             All that are buried in his restless waves—

          Mined by corrosive tides, the hollow rock

             Falls prone, and rushing from its turfy height,

          Shakes the broad beach with long-resounding shock,

             Loud thundering on the ear of sullen Night;

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Sonnet V To The South Downs

AH! hills beloved!--where once, a happy child,

Your beechen shades, 'your turf, your flowers among,'

I wove your blue-bells into garlands wild,

And woke your echoes with my artless song.

Ah! hills beloved!--your turf, your flowers remain;

But can they peace to this sad breast restore,

For one poor moment soothe the sense of pain,

And teach a breaking heart to throb no more?

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